Author: Eszter-Petronella SOÓS
46. Governance is like Nutella
Many people think that public health taxes are good and useful. After all, people do not need that much refined sugar – moreover, the health care system does not need those diabetic patients either. The so-called Nutella tax also belongs to this group. The French, for their part, really wanted to tax palm oil, the…
45. When Internet is going crazy
Le Figaro just published an article that declared that France was the (Oh my God!) ninth economic power of the world.
44. Labor Code: now everyone’s unhappy
President Hollande’s effort to overhaul the Labor Code does not go according to plan. Opinion polls and facts show that the French are rather against the modifications proposed by the government, trade unions alike. And now, ladies and gentlemen, employers also join them in contestation.
43. 10 extra hard questions to ask after the Paris terrorist attacks
It is no small task to write a reliable political analysis just three days after the last Friday’s series of Paris terrorist attacks. This is a time for security advisors: they are the ones to talk about how mass murderers manage to go about freely, armed with AK-47s, in the citadel of European culture, the…
41. President Marine Le Pen?
A socialist MP, Malek Boutih has just scared everything out of his fellow socialists. In an interview he declared that Marine Le Pen was going to be the next president of France. It’s done, finito, fait accompli. Is he right though? Should we get used to a “President Marine Le Pen”? How far is the…