2024-04-19: Mi a baj az indentitáspolitikával? (Írok Boltja)
2023-02-09: Politikai analizátor – Öt politológus, egy könyv (Írók Boltja)
2016-11-25: Milyen baloldali vízió lehetne vonzó a választóknak Kelet-Közép-Európában? Panel discussion organized by Policy Solutions.
2016-11-19: Bevándorlás, biztonság és beilleszkedés. See my presentation here.
2016-11-02: Clinton vs. Trump – Amerika új elnököt választ. See a press report here.
2016-10-15: Terrorizmus, iskolai lövöldözés. Details here. My article on the topic is here.
2016-10-07: A munka és a magánélet egyensúlya Franciaországban. Details of the conference here.
2016-09-24: Morality, sexual ethics and the communication of major religions during the debate of the Marriage for All law in France (Die Rolle von Frauen in politischen und kirchlichen Entscheidungsprozessen, Wien, 22-25 September)
2016-09-15: Konferencia Szabó Máté egyetemi tanár 60. születésnapja tiszteletére (Francia civil mozgalmak és tanulságaik: mikor sikeres egy civil mozgalom?)
2016-09-04: Baloldali Sziget / Left-wing Island
2016-07-30: Ökopolisz Academy (see discussion here)
2016-05-18: Women’s and children’s rights in contemporary Hungary.
2016-04-06: The effects of terrorism on French domestic politics. Facebook event and details here.
2016-03-05: Family in the 21st century (conference presentation)
2015-11-30: Roundtable: “Gender ideology” in question. Facebook event and details here.
2015-11-11: The problems of the European Left. Details here.
2015-11-02: Roundtable: “Gender ideology” in question. Facebook event and details here.
2015-07-18: Public discussion: Gender theories. Gender roles in society. Venue: Krásna Hôrka, Slovakia.
2015-05-15: Conference presentation: Gender equality and women’s rights under the presidency of F. Hollande. Venue: Corvinus University Budapest. Check out the Facebook event here.
2015-04-22: Public discussion: Islam and Europe: Submission? (Presentation of the Hungarian translation of Michel Houellebecq’s Soumission). Venue: Budapest, Mozsár Café. Check out the Facebook event here.
2015-02-18: Conference presentation: Workers and radicalisms in 21st century France. Venue: Eötvos Loránd University of Sciences, Budapest (Another Eastern Europe. Conference in the memory of Mark Pittaway, 1971-2010).
2014-10-20: Presentation of the book Two years in Hollande. Venue: Budapest, Hungary. Download the invitation here.
2014-09-12: Public lecture entitled Women in political decision making (“Nők a politikai döntéshozatalban”). Venue: Budapest, Hungary. Find out more here.
2014-06-09: Public lecture /presentation entitled Gender-viták Franciaországban (“Gender-debates in France”). Venue: Budapest, Hungary. Check out the presentation and all the related press appearances here.
2014-04-25: Public lecture /presentation entitled Ifjúság és demokrácia (“Youth and Democracy”). Venue: Kecskemét, Hungary. Starts at 7PM local time. Find out more about the event here.